Soli Deo Gloria

Month: September 2020

Listening and Speaking

The best thing about lockdown is probably the increased frequency of the family chats that we have. We have double the number of chats now, taking place during lunch and dinner. Some were quite uneventful as we carried on in the mundane. Some were seemingly hostile as conflict simmered throughout the meal. Among these however, there were also some that brought quite profound insight.

Selfish Sharing and Human Expediency

In this 3rd installment for Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, I’ll explore my thoughts to Rule 7: “Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient”.

The Futility of Comparison

Here’s the 2nd installment 12 Rules of life by Jordan Peterson: feel free to read my first post on Rule 8. Here I’ll provide my thoughts about Rule 4:

“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone is today.”

August 2020

As September stalks in like an unwanted visitor, I thought it would be a good idea to reflect on what has happened in the month of August, and also whether I have grown since then.

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