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Hello there! My name is Bryan and thanks for stumbling here! I’m a recent Biomedicine grad at The University of Melbourne, and I’m currently in my 2nd year of Dentistry at The University of Melbourne. This won’t be much of a blog but rather an ‘online journal’ where I can publicly share little nuggets of insight that I’ve found along the way. Essentially, this is a place for keeping myself accountable by sharing what I am learning/doing at the moment.

I’ve been slowly inculcating the habit of reading from the start of COVID-19 in 2020 – so this will be a place containing condensed musings that have been ruminating within my mind in the form of blog posts. I love to play the piano in my spare time, where I have my own YouTube Channel – encompassing music that I’ve played at Church. I also private tutor high school maths on the side, so if you have anyone that needs tutoring feel free to ask 🙂

Anyways, I hope this place will somehow make your day a tiny bit brighter from the mundane, and don’t hesitate to give me feedback. There is no fixed posting schedule at the moment, so feel free to sign up for reminders of when I do post at the bottom of the page! I appreciate you stopping by, and thank you for the privilege of being able to share something with you!

If you don’t know where to start, here are some of my favourite posts that I’ve written to get you going:

I am always eager to have a chat! You’ll be able to reach me at: [email protected]